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noticing noticing meditation

Updated: Sep 18, 2023

noticing noticing meditation
noticing noticing meditation

Take a comfortable meditative position

Take a few relaxing breaths: belly, nose, chest - ahhhhhh

Start by noticing your hands. Take your time.

Now, notice yourself noticing your hands. Take your time.

Notice your heart beating. Take your time.

Now, notice yourself noticing your heart beating. Take your time.

Notice your breathing. Take your time.

Now, notice yourself noticing your breathing. Take your time.

For the rest of the session, employ this two-phase approach:

First, notice something physical - a body part, a sensation, a bodily process, etc.

Then, notice you are noticing.

noticing noticing meditation

Feel free to narrate your experience, silently or aloud. E.g.: "noticing foot...noticing noticing foot."

If at any point you want to recenter your focus, return back to the initial 3 noticings: hands, heartbeat, breathing.

Finish by bowing 3 times: once to noticing, once to noticing noticing, and once to you, the noticer & the noticed.

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