Are you undergoing a spiritual awakening?
Common signs of a spiritual awakening include:
experiencing more extreme emotions & emotional swings
questioning your old assumptions & beliefs
feeling disoriented, lost, & adrift
increased fatigue, headaches, & lethargy
heightened sensitivity to bright lights & loud noises
feeling deeply called to serve others
experiencing more synchronicities, epiphanies, & "ah hah" moments
feeling a greater sense of connection to the spiritual & supernatural
sensing a major transformation is underway within you
Spiritual awakening can be one of the most profound, difficult, and rewarding experiences in your life.
Without proper guidance and support, spiritual awakening can be overwhelming, and it's easy to feel lost or stuck.
Fortunately, you don't have to walk this sacred path alone. I'm here to support you in your unique spiritual awakening experience.
My spiritual awakening began in 2010, when I had a guardian angel experience while being treated for leukemia.
My awakening intensified in 2018. I began experiencing all of the symptoms described above.
Overwhelmed, I reached out to spiritual guides for help. Those guides helped me gracefully navigate the most difficult stretches of my healing and awakening journey.
In 2021, I left my career in the law to pursue my calling to be a guide for fellow travelers on the spiritual awakening path.
In 2024, I published SOL: supportive guidance for healing & awakening, which serves as a handbook for the spiritual awakening experience.
The mindfulness teacher Jon Kabat-Zinn said: "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf."
I teach you to surf the waves of spiritual awakening. That way, instead of feeling lost and overwhelmed, you feel supported and empowered. With my guidance, you'll not only endure spiritual awakening - you'll flourish in the process!.
Schedule your free consultation today so you can tell me about your spiritual awakening experience and learn how I can help you find your path of flourishing.
Cite promo code AWAKENING90 and your first session will be 90 minutes for the price of a 60 minute session - that's $90 in savings!