overcome addiction by strengthening your heart connection
Do you struggle with addiction?
It may be an addiction to a chemical substance, like alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, or heroin.
You may be addicted to certain behaviors. Scrolling your phone's newsfeed or social media apps is a common one these days.
A more subtle behavioral addiction is robotically going through the day's tasks. Dropping off your kids at school, going to the gym, cooking, cleaning. When we're going through the motions, just doing these things to get them done and over with, we're behaving compulsively and addictively, rather than carefully and mindfully. We're playing out a script, rather than living our lives.
Perhaps our most common human addiction is addiction to thoughts. To imagination. To our own mental activities.
We're sitting across the table from a friend, enjoying a lovely meal together. But while our friend is talking to us, we're busy scrolling our mental newsfeed!
Instead of focusing on our friendly conversation, we're focused on our to-do list, on random memories that pop up, on the idle chatter of our minds. We focus on what we're gonna say next, instead of focusing on what our friend is saying right now. We miss out on the chance for a true heart-to-heart.
addictions create leaks that rob us of vital energy
Addictions are like cracks and holes in our souls. When we don't recognize them and address them, we're leaky.
We leak energy.
We leak focus.
We leak motivation.
We leak passion and purpose.
Our vital energy gets sucked into our addictive patterns, leaving less energy for those activities that truly matter to us.
living with focus and vitality
I'll help you overcome your addiction by strengthening your heart connection.
This will shift your energetic dynamic. Instead of leaking energy into mindless addictions, you'll channel energy into those activities that truly matter to you.
Instead of pouring yourself into your smart phone, you'll pour yourself into cooking a delicious Mediterranean dinner.
Instead of lighting up another cigarette, you'll light up your soul with a barefoot walk on the sand at sunset.
Instead of fixating on your own mental chatter, you'll tune into the loved ones right in front of you. Your partner, your children, your friends - they're some of the greatest blessings in life! You'll show them how you truly feel by giving them the gift of your focused, heartfelt attention.
let's heal
Leaks happen. They're a natural part of life.
Leaks heal - when we commit to healing them.
Think of me as a plumber who specializes in leaks of the soul.
Come to me with your struggles. Tell me what keeps going wrong. Tell me what you've tried. Tell me what results you're hoping for.
Together, we'll discover the energetic leaks that are robbing you of your focus and vital energy. And together, we'll heal those leaks so you can live less from addiction and more from inspiration.
The first step is easy - and free!
Schedule your free consult call: https://calendly.com/spiritualflourishing​
That's it!
From there, I'll guide you every step of the way.
Joe, your friendly neighborhood soul plumber