Through heart-to-heart dialogue, Patty overcame self-doubt to support a friend in mourning.
During our dialogue, Patty told me about a troubling pattern in her life. When having heart-to-heart conversations with loved ones, she wasn't fully connecting.
Her loved one would talk about difficult topics and feelings. Patty felt like her responses were less heartfelt than they could be. She sensed that her loved ones were feeling frustrated by the lack of heartfelt connection.
Patty was especially worried because she had an important conversation coming up. A dear friend was grieving a terrible loss and Patty was going to meet with her friend the next day.
Patty was feeling anxious and worried. She didn't want the same pattern to keep repeating itself. She wanted to show up for her friend with compassion and sincerity. Â She wanted to feel like she was connecting on a heart-to-heart level with her friend in mourning.
Patty and I discussed the situation in depth. We explored her personal history, and discovered some events from the past that were contributing to the situation.
I provided Patty with guidance for the upcoming conversation with her grieving friend. I also taught her mindfulness exercises to practice both before and during the conversation.
The next morning, Patty texted me this message:
"thank goodness we talked"
Two days after our session, Patty provided me an update.
She told me that, the day after our session, she met with her grieving friend. She said the conversation with her friend was deeper than any conversation they'd had before. She said she didn't feel anxious during the conversation. Quite the contrary - she felt deeply connected to her friend's heart.
To her amazement, not only did the conversation go well - her friend extended the conversation, asking Patty to stay longer than planned. They even smiled and laughed together!
Patty wrote me the next day:
let's connect today
Are you feeling in limbo? Like you're stuck in a loop?
Are you feeling less connected than you could be? To loved ones? To life? To yourself?
Do you want to live with more clarity, passion, and purpose?
Schedule your free consult call today:
During the call, tell me how you're struggling. Tell me what you've tried. Tell me what you're hoping for. I'll tell you how, together, we can get you unstuck and onto the path of flourishing.